Thursday, October 28, 2010


Our daughter was given a special little DVD from a friend for her last 
birthday called The Little Travelers. On the “extras” part of the “BRITAIN” 
disc, the two little traveling sisters, who are Waldorf schoolers, put on a 
sweet puppet show with silks and felted wool dolls. Our punky Rowan asked 
me last week if she could create a play toy from that “Tulip Babies” puppet 
show. Like a bubbling little fountain, she spouted all her exciting ideas of 
how we could achieve this, and we started cutting and rolling little tulip 
flowers out of recycled felted wool sweaters for the flowerbeds, making 
tulip babies, and pillows, teddies, and blankets for the wee babes’ beds… 

...  oh and a bunch of doting & flitting fairy mothers. 

See how cozy they are in their homes above a stream of 
happy goldfish? This toy was a treat to make and to give my 
daughter… a project using recycled felted wool sweaters, 
fabric remnants, wooden balls, pipe cleaners, yarn, etc.

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