Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Last weekend our punky Rowan decided 
she wanted to build fairy houses in the woods.

Woodland architecture for wee little sprites promised to be inspiring, 
so we packed picnic lunches and were soon trekking with zeal into the
seaside wilderness with Papa and Auntie and her raring-to-go pup Luna.

Even on an overcast day, the Maine woods along the seashore were magical. 
Punky Rowan soon got into the spirit of being a woodland sprite!

In the forest green and along the sea we poked about.

We rummaged and stock-piled until a fine collection of fairy home building
supplies were gathered: rocks, birch bark, drift wood and sticks, berries,
lichen, pine needles, moss, grandfather's beard, flowers, shells, and mushrooms.

Off the beaten path, we found a willing tree, its branches swaying
in the autumn breeze, its carpet of pine needles, fit for any Moomintroll,
blanketing its roots, and we set to work on our fairy abodes!

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