Friday, October 1, 2010


Our Maine summer was glorious, with unending blue sky days like these:

"I won, I won!"

Our punky Rowan felt pretty smitten with our Foxgloves in the garden.

Lemonade Anyone? Puts me in mind of a song I learned when little: "Lemon tree, very pretty, and the lemon flower is sweet, but the fruit of the poor lemon, is impossible to eat." Not true!

I hadn't visited this amusement park on the beach since I was a teenager in the early eighties. The waves were at least ten feet that day - due to the hurricane off the coast.

Our Summer Solstice ritual of wishes for the future and dreams of the now. 
We read a beautiful poem by William Blake, 
all about oneness and manifesting one's dreams...
We all used little simple treasures to represent us and our wishes. 

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