Thursday, June 9, 2011

Return to Fabulism? - I say it never left....

I just read this article on the Guardian:

Does Téa Obreht's Orange prize signal a return to fabulism?

Fabulists are authors of fables. Fabulism is a term used to describe books of Magical Realism written by authors who are not Latin. And as far as I can see it, fabulism never left. Books infused with magic and surreal elements blending with a realistic atmosphere are everywhere and loved by many. It's a world phenomenon to seek magic and enchantment in our lives, and a very healthy perspective for all cultures. I say, keep reading and championing Fantasy in Fiction! 

To see that fabulism is still alive, a few authors of mention: Catherynne Valente, and Elizabeth Hand, who both live in Maine! See also Little Hands Clapping by Dan Rhodes. Please comment if you have other authors to suggest.

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