Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Let's pay homage to the acclaimed British Fantasy
author of the fabulous Howl's Moving Castle


A master of story telling, Wynne Jones passed away Saturday 
at the age of 76. She was the author or more than 40 books.

Here are some titles if you haven't yet read her works: 
The Chronicles of Crestomanchi. Howl's Moving Castle 
(which was made into my all-time favorite animated movie, 
directed by Hayao Miyazaki), and House of Many Ways. 

Diana's close friend, Neil Gaiman, calls her astonishing, 
and "...the funniest, wisest, fiercest, sharpest person I've 
known, a witchy and wonderful woman, intensely practical, 
filled with opinions, who wrote the best books about magic,..."

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